Sustainable Interventions Supporting Change Outside
Helping Prisoners Build a Bridge Between Prison and the Community.
Who We Are
For the past 5 years we have been developing and delivering recovery initiatives within the Scottish Prison Service.
Our model was set up to offer Multiple pathways to Recovery and is fundamental to individuals caught up in the cycle of addiction.
We offer prisoners a safe environment to address complex needs and trauma caused by addiction.
Our Recovery Cafes are peer led and self-policed by prisoners for prisoners.
Sisco Life
Community, togetherness and being there for one another is at the heart of what Sisco is all about. This is Sisco Life.
What We Do
For the past 5 years we have been developing and delivering recovery initiatives within the Scottish Prison Service, and in April 2020 became an independent Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation.
Our model was set up in a strategic manner to offer multiple pathways to recovery and is specifically designed for individuals caught up in the cycle of addiction.
We offer the whole person approach, addressing trauma and complex needs prior to release from prison, ensuring individuals can manage their emotional wellbeing.
The core of our model is built upon trust, integrity, honesty and healthy relationships. Upon these foundations we can develop a safe environment where prisoners can explore vulnerabilities and address the underlying reasons for engagement in crime or substance use.
The ethos of our model includes providing opportunities to those most disadvantaged; creating employment and voluntary opportunities within the service. Our approach utilises the knowledge and experience of those previously subject to the criminal justice service.
Our model has proven to be so successful we have replicated the blueprint to adapt to other prison establishments with plans to expand throughout the Scottish Prison Service.
As well as our prison-based work during lockdown, due to the demand for support, staff and volunteers created a community outreach support network, adapting our prison model to fit into the community needs.
Having access to a community hub allows us to deliver some of the following activities, health and wellbeing sessions, mentor sessions, hill walks, park walks, daily phone support, signposting to other services, pathways to education and supporting the transition from prison to sustaining a tenancy
Our Funders & Partners
The main funders of Sisco is The Robertson Trust and The Weir Charitable Trust. We also receive monthly donations from Calma Group and special support from a number of other very special partners. To each and every person and organisation who supports us, we are incredibly grateful.
Learn More about the tremendous outcomes as achieved by the Sisco Team in our very own ‘STATS’ booklet >>>
Some important numbers behind our work.
Find out a bit more about what we do and some important contact numbers.
At SISCO, we want you all to stay as safe as possible during these unpredictable times. If you ever feel like things are getting too much, please reach out to any of the following organisations.
Rape Crisis Scotland: 08088 01 03 02
Age UK: 0800 678 1602
Childline: 0800 1111
Breathing Space: 0800 83 85 87
The Silver Line: 0800 4 70 80 90
Domestic Abuse Helpline: 0808 2000 247
SFAAD (Drugs & Alcohol): 08080 10 10 11
The Samaritans: 116 123
We couldn’t do what we do without the support of our exceptional trustees – thank you!

Gerard Neil

Anthony Morrow

Dougie MacMillan

Robert Kerr
Vice Chair

Julie Cree

Sam Marriott Downing
Strategic Funding Trustee